Below is an episode of NPR's This American Life, a weekly radio program that tells different stories about various aspects of American life and culture. This episode is called "Houses of Ill Repute," and in the last act they feature sound clips of the U.S. House of Representatives.
If you want to listed to the entire act (kinda like a chapter of the entire episode), start at 42:00-ish. If you have time I recommend this, since you'll be able to make a little more sense about what's going on. But, at least listen to the brief audio of the floor, which is at about 47:00. Click here to start listening.
(If you want to listen to the entire hour, it's a pretty good one. The first act is about an old guy whose house gets taken over by prostitutes, and the second is about a guy whose apartment was used in a movie murder scene... or a porn film... I can't remember which.)
Ridiculous. It sounds like a bunch of whiney fourth graders.