Thursday, May 12, 2011

Project 3 Research

As a comment, post your topic idea(s) and a general research question. If I have any advice or concerns, I'll email you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


As a comment below, write a little bit about your reactions to Warren's talk. What surprised you? What stood out? What are you still wrestling with?

Specifically, I'd like to hear about how you can translate what he's saying about the food industry to other aspects of your life or other things you see going on around you. What principles can you apply to your own worldview?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Questions for Warren/Snowville

Please respond as a comment with any questions you're thinking about asking Warren during tomorrow's class. This question can pertain to anything relating to food politics/industry, Food Inc., The World According to Monsanto, or Snowville itself. He'll talk for the first hour and you all will lead class with your questions for the second hour.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HW: Pollen Response

In a comment below, write about your reaction to Pollen's essay. What did you already know? What did you learn? What, if anything, struck you?

Also, write one discussion question.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Lit. Fest Extra Credit

Literary folks--here's a link to the Spring Literary Festival's schedule and writer bios. Before you go, browse the writer bios to see which ones interest you the most. They pull some pretty credible writers every year (George Suanders read last year).

While all of the author's are worth seeing, Debra Marquart's degree is in Creative Writing and Environment, so it may be particularly relevant to class. Also, Rita Dove is a former U.S. Poet Laureate--so that's amazing.

For your extra credit, comment below. Your response should discuss 1. What happened and 2. Your personal reaction to it.

Hope to see you there :)

In-class Writing 2

Take into consideration all of the points you and your classmates just brought up, and apply them to our/your notion of "sustainability." We've already discovered that the only way we can experience certain things is through the media, so how do you think the media shapes our perception of sustainability? (20-30 minutes)