Monday, May 9, 2011

Questions for Warren/Snowville

Please respond as a comment with any questions you're thinking about asking Warren during tomorrow's class. This question can pertain to anything relating to food politics/industry, Food Inc., The World According to Monsanto, or Snowville itself. He'll talk for the first hour and you all will lead class with your questions for the second hour.


  1. What can we do to change this horrible system?

    Did Monsanto ever try to scare/deter you from doing what you did?

  2. With a corrupt American food system that is backed by politions and strong lawyers that can and will hush any individual who slanders the food service name, how can one proactively aim to change the way that this system works without suffering repercussions?

    Furthermore, why is there no peice of legeslation that prohibits goverment officals from becoming members of orginizations such as Monsanto? Isn't it clear that there is an insentive for goverment employees to allow immortal actions to take place within these companys if they are offered money as compansation?

  3. "Food, Inc." ends with a sort of call to arms for people to do whatever they can to combat the evils of the food industry. However, as stereotypically impoverished college students, shopping at a local farmers market isn't exactly the most feasible thing to do. While the desire may be there, many of us likely won't be able to afford morally acceptable meals until many years from now. Is there anything we can do until then? Are there any cheaper, ethical solutions that we can afford?

    Also, do you believe that the "vote with your dollar" mentality will work in this case, or is the food industry too powerful?

  4. All of my questions relate to the video "The world according to Monsanto"

    It is clearly shown in the video that Monsanto had a lot of power in influencing the GMO regulations created by the FDA. What can we do to prevent powerful companies such as this one from politically influencing matters which could effect us so dramatically?

    A seemingly clear connection was made between roundup ready soybeans and the effects on cell division (which leads to cancer). How is it that people are still allowing this product to be on the market after such a connection has been made?

    Throughout the video many hidden facts were brought to our attention. How is it that a company like Monsanto get away with hiding this evidence? How can we prevent such important details of a study from getting hidden from us?

  5. Food Inc said that the Monsanto patent on soybeans and other crops has reached almost 98% of our food supply in the US. Both Food Inc and the World According to Monsanto have shown that contamination has pushed the numbers this high and perhaps even higher. What can we as consumers do to help fight against this corporation? Farmers are afraid to fight, small growers may not provide all of the things that we need/want, so what should we do when faced with our grocery list each week?

    How, as college students, can we be more sustainable in our choices? Organic foods and farmer's markets charge higher prices for their food (and for good reason, as the food quality is higher). Just like in Food Inc, some people/families are forced into the cheaper options because the industry has skewed the market towards cheap bad foods instead of healthy good foods. Growing a garden is all well and good, but all year round, what choices can we make? What foods are not affiliated with Mosanto that can be purchased year-round in a supermarket at a reasonable price? Do these products exist?

  6. It seems that Monsanto is a monopoly and usually the government tries to prevent a monopoly from happening so that one company doesn't control the entire industry. How is Monsanto allowed to get away with this?

    Do you see any end to this problem in the near future? What can we do to try to solve this problem?

  7. What can people actually do to speak out against the fast food industry and the way they produce their products?

    How does the FDA and USDA continue to be manipulated by these big companies to help them out in the regulatory process?

    In "The World According to Mansanto," how did they receive permission from the state of Alabama to more or less dump their chemicals in the town?

    Why did the state not notify any of the individuals living in the area to at least warn them of the dangers?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What do you predict for the future? Do you think America will be able to take down companies like Monsanto? How?

    What do you do personally make more sustainable choices? How can people our age fight back against Monsanto and make healthier choices on a low budget?

    How do you feel about the corruption in our government, and there connections with Monsanto? Do you think we can break these ties in the near future?

  10. From "Food Inc" why do you think Tyson, one of the biggest meet producing companies in the world today, did not want use to take a look inside one of the barns they received their chickens from?

    Also, the Mother of the little boy who died, how did it make you feel that she could not even say some facts about her little boys death on camera because she could potentially get sued by the meat company? Do you think they protect the meat industry to much?

  11. With Monsanto holding so much power in agriculture throughout the past 100 years how likely do you think it is that this agent of globalization succeeds in total domination of the agricultural sector?

    Themes that were present in both films point to a diminishing strength in farmers markets and small farming communities, the loss of the "old" farmer. How are we to "actually" combat the forces of "agrobusiness" and genetically engineered foods when they are so financially advantageous in today's market?

    With such a long history of facilitating environmental damage (DDT, herbicides, pesticides, agent orange, etc.) is there any hope of seeing Monsanto being held responsible?

  12. What I don't understand is how GM crops are so easily passed as Gras without having lots of peer review published studies and an overwhelming connects by the scientific community?

    How does Monsanto have the ability to evade government interference ?

    How could the government deregulate "beaurcratic hurdles" like health and environmental safety testing? / Isn;t the health of the people and environment more important than the attempt to boost the industry?

    Wouldn't it be aware to people that a lawyer like Michael Taylor who worked on Monsanto cases and all of a sudden has a new job title created for him with the FDA?

    How could the FDA pass the use of rBGH if it was different than the regular milk?

  13. How are powerful companies such as Monsanto overlooked when using false advertisements and lies to promote their products? It does not seem that there has been very harsh consequences for their actions even when there are known facts of death an illnesses involved. How is this still happening and how do you think we can change this?

    How are people that we elected to protect us and make the right decisions making decisions based on politics for our food rather than on science? Shouldn't their be guidelines or regulations to be followed?

    What is the main concept of the "revolving door" and how does this effect companies like Monsanto and our government? Is this moral and are these people working for the wright reasons?

    How do we as consumers of these products know what we are really eating? How are we supposed to be able to find out the truth if companies are lying or not telling us all the information we deserve? Is it possible for us to ever know what exactly is going on with our food? Do you think this will change in the future?

  14. My first and most important question would be, Will the corruption ever end and will we ever be able to eat all natural food again?

    Also, throughout the video there are scenes of cows that are unable to move around and can't even walk, Why can't these scenes be used as evidence to shut down some food companies and make them change their ways? It seems very inhumane and it is disturbing to see.

    Also, in the video they kept saying "saving" seeds, what exactly does this mean?

  15. After watching the two videos, The World According to Monsanto and Food INC, I was very disturbed.

    How can a company like Monsanto be ok with putting these people in harms way just to make a dollar?

    It seems like certain companies who are producing our food are finding loop holes when talking about the safety of our food. Is there any truth to this? And how might a company be able to do this without getting caught?

    What will it take for a company like Monsanto to be punished for their actions dealing with health care?

  16. 1. How can the poor use their power of the dollar to help the cause if Monsanto's product are far cheaper than the locally grown food?

    2. Monsanto has its own people in the government to help push the Monsanto products. Monsanto has lowered the price of their GMO's to the point where it forces customers to buy only Monsanto. If the government won't help the consumer and a majority of people can't use their power of the dollar what actions can be taken to stop Monsanto from furthering this unsustainable product.

    3. Are you in favor/comfortable with Walmart and other megastores using the "organic" label to push products? Does this seem like a genuine move Walmart is taking? Will the"organic" products eventual fall into the engineered mass production thought process as more and more customers demand an "organic" product giving way to problems that current mass produced food fall into such as heavy antibiotic treatment.

  17. In Food, Inc., the movie ends with a call for action by suggesting that the viewer buy organic foods and plant a garden. How can we, as college students, help save the food industry with little to no income? When at the supermarket it is near impossible to purchase organic foods when they are priced the way they are. I know that the food is priced high because of the quality, but how can poverty-striken Americans be expected to afford these high-quality foods? Is there any way that organic foods could one day become as affordable as the rest of the foods in the market?

  18. Mansanto is attempting to spread their reach internationally. How can we raise awareness about the dangers of GM crops and bio-dictation in foreign countries?

    Mansanto seems to be functioning unethically without responsibility or repercussions. Is there any way to prosecute the company for the injustices they commit?
